Aspire Construction


About Aspire Construction

Aspire Constrution (ACT) was founded with a focus on building and maintaining strong client relations by building quality homes that meet or exceed clients’ expectations.


At Aspire Construction, we specialise in bringing your dream home to life. Our New Homes service is designed to take you from concept to completion with ease, precision, and unparalleled craftsmanship.
Looking for a fresh start without leaving your beloved neighborhood? Aspire Construction presents our Knock Down Rebuilds service.
Is your home feeling a bit cramped, but you're not ready to say goodbye to your beloved neighborhood? Aspire Construction presents our Extension service, offering you expand your space.
At Aspire Construction, we believe that your home should evolve with you. Our Renovations service is designed to help you breathe new life

How It Works


Initial Consultation

At the outset, we conduct in-depth consultations with our clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of their vision, project

requirements, and budget. Typically lasting 1-2 hours, these sessions are crucial for aligning our approach with the unique needs of each project.


Cost Plan Development

After gaining a clear understanding of the project’s scope and the client’s specific requirements, we proceed to formalise the project’s

cost plan and prepare a detailed proposal. This stage typically spans 2-3 weeks, factoring in the project’s complexity. Our formal offer to clients includes a comprehensive breakdown of costs, categorised by trade package. This breakdown empowers clients to grasp project expenses and make informed decisions, facilitating potential design adjustments to align with their budget.


Project Plan

At this stage, further discussions and negotiations with the clients may be necessary to finalize the scope of works and

project costs.


Contract Signing

The building contract may be drafted by Aspire Construction or the architect (if an architect is appointed by the client as a

contract administrator).


Statutory Approvals

Once the contract is signed, Aspire will submit for building approval and other approvals as required for each project. This process could

take anywhere between 2-4 weeks depending on the complexity of the project.


Construction Phase

This phase will involve regular meetings and coordination sessions with the clients and/or architect to ensure the building process is on

track and all details are captured. It may also involve design changes requested by the clients. The length of this phase will largely depend on the size and complexity of the project. It can also be impacted by design changes and revisions.


Post-Construction Phase

This phase commences on the day of handover and concludes at the end of the Defects Liability Period (DLP) as defined by the

contract, or at the end of the maintenance period as per the relevant legislation.

Ready to bring your
construction dreams to life?

Past Projects



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